You are ordering online voucher for the escape game

Validity of voucher: 12 months
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Gift vouchers

The Clinic - gift voucher options

More info

What the voucher contains:

  • Entry to The Clinic Escape Game for 1-4 players
  • Time: 45 minutes (hardcore players can choose a shorter escape time - 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes)
  • Suitable for: beginners and advanced players
  • Difficulty: 6/10
  • Language options: english or czech

Opening hours and reservations:

  • Monday - Sunday | 10:00 am - 10:30 pm
  • It is possible to come without a reservation, but The Clinic may be booked up. We recommend booking in advance at +420 777 099 099 or

For complete information about the Escape Game and what to know before you head over HERE.


The Clinic

1.400 CZK 1330 CZK/pcs?

Online tickets

The Clinic - online ticket options

More info

What online ticket contains:

  • Entry to The Clinic Escape Game for 1-4 players according to the selected variant
  • Time: 45 minutes (hardcore players can choose a shorter escape time - 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes)
  • Suitable for: beginners and advanced players
  • Difficulty: 6/10
  • Language options: english or czech

Opening hours and reservations:

  • Monday - Sunday | 10:00 am - 10:30 pm
  • It is possible to come without a reservation, but The Clinic may be booked up. We recommend booking in advance at +420 777 099 099 or

For complete information about the Escape Game and what to know before you head over HERE.

The Clinic: For individuals

1.000 CZK 950 CZK/pcs

The Clinic: For couples

1.100 CZK 1045 CZK/pcs

The Clinic: For a team of 3 players

1.200 CZK 1140 CZK/pcs

The Clinic: For a team of 4 players

1.400 CZK 1330 CZK/pcs


Total Price of the Order
€ 0,00
You need to add vouchers into the cart to see live previews
Total Price of the Order
€ 0,00

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